Parts: Part 2!
Thinking about ourselves in terms of parts can help us to actually become more connected. It’s a very different way of seeing ourselves, so it’s just fine if it takes a while to start to notice it in yourself and if it takes even longer to make any use of it. Humans aren’t designed to be alone. We are designed for connection both internally and externally. It’s okay to reach out for help with this. We’re here to help.
Befriending your Anxiety
I am sitting here imagining that you definitely don’t like talking about anxiety as much as I do. If you are here reading about anxiety, it’s probably not because it’s a mere curiosity. I’m guessing that your anxiety has gotten way too big, and it’s making you miserable.
Why do I Always Feel Depressed at Christmas?
Every year at Christmas, when it comes time to decorate the tree, I get super crabby! I seem to be able to handle decorating other parts of the house, just don’t let me near the tree. Is it because I’m not a visual person? Did I suffer some ornamental trauma at age 2?
Anxiety about the Economy
You have turned to the 3rd post in a series about managing anxiety. Anxiety affects all of us, really. It couldn’t be more common. It’s also complex. We are aiming for it to become a more balanced and helpful part of our lives instead of taking over.
Anxiety During Cold and Flu Season
In my first post on anxiety, I painted a picture of anxiety as a potentially helpful signal that something is wrong. I suggested that anxiety is a critical part of daily functioning that we don’t want to get rid of. The goal is to keep it in balance and to pay attention to what it has to say to us. This post is a full confession that sometimes there’s more to it than that.
Anxiety and How to Manage It
Anxiety is unsettling by definition. It changes everything from how you digest food, the quality of your sleep, your ability to think clearly and freely, and how you relate to others. It strongly influences the decisions you make and can so easily shut down whole areas of your life.
How does Trauma get stuck in our bodies and what can we do?
Have you had an injury that just doesn’t seem to be healing? Sometimes there’s more going on than just tissue damage or things out of place. Here’s what can happen.